90. Arcella sp. A testate amoeba. (1pic.; 72KB)
89. Strange crystals in onion cells. (9pics.; 76KB)
88. A kind of Polychaeta. Very weird movements. Mini movie available. (4pics.; 72KB)
87. Enteromorpha sp. A green algae in brackish water. (6pics.; 78KB)
86. egg capsules of a Japanese salamander, Hynobius tokyoensis. (3pics.; 46KB)
85. Tetraspora sp. The cells of their body is scattered in gelatinous substrate! (5pics.; 111KB)
84. A slough of barnacle. (Balanus improvisus) They are living in a brackish water. (7pics.; 75KB)
83. Where is the head? A closeup shot of a midge. (5pics.; 54KB)
82. A cocoon of planarian (Dugesia japonica). (4pics; 33KB)
81. The object from droppings of a frog. It was a midge larva! (5pics.; 41KB)