80. Two eyes. This is probably a polychaeta. (3pics; 19KB)
79. From planuloids to polyps. (Cassiopea ornata) (8pics; 36KB)
78. Sperms. (Cipangopaludina, a freshwater snail) You can see two kind of sperms, typical and atypical. (3pics; 10KB)
77. A hydromedusa. (Eirene sp.) close ups of tentacles and statocyst are availabale. (11pics; 89KB)
76. Bryozoan in the brackish water. Probably Victorella padila. (4pics; 41KB)
75. Nest of a larva of caddisfly(Trichoptera: Molanna moesta ?) (3pics; 39KB)
74. Birth of a baby snail (Physa acuta.) (10pics; 47KB)
73. Strange objects on the legs of a water mite. (3pics; 23KB)
72. A weird face. I think that this is a larva of Diptera. (4pics; 41KB)
71. "Unidentified" orange jellyfish. This is a kind of freshwater Cnidata...
:-) (1pic.; 11KB)