110. Egg-mass of Glossaulax, a kind of shellfish. This item was found on a seashore facing to the Pacific. (6pics.; 144KB) |
109. Epidermis of the petal of Pelargonium sp. (6pics.; 152KB)
108. Stomata on the peach. (3pics.; 48KB)
107. Structural color in a kind of diatom (Pleurosigma sp.). (7pics.; 125KB)
106. Mushroom or mold? Synnema of Penicillium (?). (5pics.; 64KB)
105. Mucorales. A kind of zygomycetes. (5pics.; 40KB)
104. Pensive face? (Macrostomum gigas ?) Photographs taken by Kiyohiko Yamamoto in Nagasaki, Japan. (2pics.; 20KB)
103. Golden spores of "Black mold" (Cladosporium sp.). (5pics.; 63KB)
102. Toads in spring Tokyo (Bufo japonicus). (5pics.; 112KB)
101. Akinetes of Pithophora sp. (9pics.; 118KB)